Well at long last the foil board is in a state to test so it's fingers crossed and caution to the wind. I've realised the importance of vacuum bagging to get any defects out of the glassing after sanding and sanding and more sanding. And it's still not perfect!
Well life goes on I guess and on the flip side the board weighs in at 5.6Kgs so not a super lightweight hollow wooden board. However it's my first attempt so all things being equal I'm patting myself on the back instead of flailing myself with tales of; I'm not worthy, I'm not worthy...
Here's a few images to finalise the Hollow Wooden Foil board story:
The Deck in all it splendour - wood what a wonderful material |
Wooden Stuff Project logo glassed onto the deck |
Hull Side |
Hand shaped carbon insert box |
The beast with foil in place |
Carbon re-inforcing strip to eliminate the chance of the box pulling through the board |