Friday, 16 November 2007

Yours Truly

Vanity got the better of me and I thought that you might like to see what I look like. Well I keep posting this blog and to date I only know of two people who are reading it. Maybe it's my web ignorance and I should be spending even more time trying to flip people onto this hot read but you know what, I continue writing because I'm finding it quite therapeutic.

I communicate 80% in French during the day so it's a real pleasure expressing myself in my native tongue. Plus 3 years on since moving here it's still a lot easier to write in English than the ultra challenging French, what a complex language!

Feeling a little lost today, quite a bit of creative graphic and 3D design work stacking up but have to face the mountain of bureaucracy that goes with setting up a business in France and boy I'm not looking forward it. Still has to be 'cause on the flip side if you don't you can not officially send and invoice to anyone!!

Sometimes I reflect and think how straightforward life was in good old blighty...

Aghhhhhhhh well I'll keep you posted on that one. Have a great weekend